For health reasons I have retired from the BIZ.
All my equipment and other company assets, such as a promo DVD, are for sale.

What is not shown on the main website is a
Camera Car Prototype
that is currently in storage in the UK.

The prototype is over 50% complete and all the engineering is done but it does need finishing. I designed this car because film budgets are generally getting smaller and the cost of equipment getting bigger. I needed a car that would do about 90% of what a camera car does but could be rented for 30% of today's cost. All of this bearing in mind that much camera car work is now done with remote cameras. This car was designed specifically for remote control camera systems such as the Libra4, the Ultimate Arm, Stab C

But more than that, the chassis is designed as a single unit to take Honda Accord components. Simply put this means that if you replicate the chassis, you can ship it anywhere around the world and build another car from an existing Honda V6 engined Accord. You can find a Honda Accord in just about any country in the world. This will give you a camera car in any location for not much more than your basic Honda Accord. I had projected the replication cost of around $50-60k per car. Much less than existing cars and designed much more specifically for camera use. This presents the opportunity to have a car in many countries and probably in several locations in the US.

There is a lot more thinking that has gone into this car that I would like to discuss with you in person and I suggest you give me a call at 310 312 0012.

~ Peter Starr

continue to Specialized Camera Vehicles website